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The 3rd Annual B&C Flea Markets are set to continue a tradition of bringing swap meet style events back to S.W. Kansas. This will be the place to bring your pre loved items, auction extras, spring castoffs, work shop spares, storage unit overflow or all around seasonal cleaning. This is also a great opportunity to bring your small or locally owned business in front of the community. This will provide a larger traffic flow than your home garage on a cool morning. This years events will be held on March 8th and October 11th 2025 in Ulysses , KS. If you are interested in becoming a vendor at one or both of these events please reach out to us in advance via email (bottom of page) or messaging us from this website or on facebook. Vendor Applications can be downloaded and printed at the bottom of this page and reach out to us with any questions or special accommodations.
Spring Flea Market; March 8th, 2025
Fall Flea Market; October 11th, 2025
Grant County Civic Center
1000 W. Patterson Avenue
Ulysses, KS 67880
Only indoor booths are available this year. We do plan to add outdoor booths in future years. The exception to this is food trucks which can be outside in the food court area (electricity / water hookups available) or out front (will need a generator). We also have space inside with access to the kitchen area if needed for food vendors. Please let us know how much space you will need when signing up. Vendors will be responsible in taking care of and cleaning the space in which they were provided. Per typical Flea Market Rules Vendors may bring any items they wish to sell with a few restrictions. Multiple vendor types are welcome. From those selling homemade items, antiques, garage sale, food items, pre worn clothing, junk drawer, car parts, and so much more. We ask for no alcohol or firearm vendors due to building contracts. Obviously no Illicit Drugs, or any illegal items will be allowed by any vendor. No live animals can be sold on site but you are welcome to bring flyers. Any vendor who violate these restrictions will be asked to leave the show without a booth refund.
When is the next show: March 8th, 2025 from 9am - 5pm
What are the booth costs:
10’x10’ Booths $30 until January 31st / $35 Post January 31st
10’x20’ Booths $40 Until January 31st / $50 Post Jamuary 31st
Outdoor Food Trucks and Indoor food vendors are a flat $25, just need to advise your space, hook up needs.
Please feel free to reserve multiple spaces. If you need special accommodations or very large areas please reach out to us. We will do our best to work with you.
10’x10’ Booths will be provided 1 table
10’x20’ Booths will be provided 2 tables
Additional tables will be added to your booth during set up for $5 per table.
How do I sign up? (3 Options)
1. Download the application below and send it to us via mail.
2. Click the link at the bottom of this page to go to the online application. Fill out online and submit. We will then contact you to complete payment.
3. Send us an email.
Caitlin Alexander
Craig Hampton
You can download the B&C Flea Market Vendor Agreement and application by clicking the link below. You can fill out the application and return to us with along with payment to confirm your spot or you can use the form online application below. Feel free to reach out to use about custom booth sizes or extra large spaces and we can work out exact prices based on your needs. If you would prefer to fill out the application online click the link at the bottom of the page.